Monday, January 25, 2010

Need Help Because You're Buried Alive in a Collapsed Hatian Hotel After an Earthquake?

Well, there's an app for that:

At first, Woolley used the phone’s camera flash to illuminate the space in which he was trapped in near dark, and to take flash photos that let him study his surroundings. He was able to spot an elevator shaft in the photos, to which he made his way to wait in hope of rescue.

Then, he says, he remembered that he had an app called Pocket First Aid & CPR, a $3.99 download created by the American Heart Association. Sure enough, Pocket First Aid instructed him on how to dress the compound fracture in his leg, as well as scrapes on his head.

Most important, the app told him that falling asleep in his condition could be fatal. Woolley set his phone’s alarm to ring every twenty minutes.

Yes, iPhones are amazingly useful (as long as the battery lasts, at least).

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