Sunday, July 12, 2009

An entrepreneur explains...

why he and his business will leave LA.

And California doesn't seem to be interested in making another entrepreneur's life any easier either:

Steve Jobs, Apple Inc.’s co-founder, proposed to relocate “components” of his historic mansion in Woodside, California, to fend off preservationists who oppose his plan to tear it down and build a modern home.

Howard Ellman, a lawyer for Jobs, and Jean Savoree, an attorney for Woodside, today told state court Judge Marie Weiner in Redwood City, California, that the Apple chief executive officer is in negotiations with investor Gordon Smythe to remove historic pieces of the mansion and find a site to reassemble some of the home.

Jobs has lost bids to destroy the mansion because courts have agreed with preservation group Uphold our Heritage that Jobs failed to adequately explain the benefits of the demolition and prove he has researched alternatives. Weiner asked Ellman if an order was required to prevent any demolition until the new plan is resolved by the court and the town council of Woodside.

When a state begins to tell you how you can use your own property, property that you purchased with your own money, strong-willed entrepreneurial types are likely to (eventually) leave.

New York and other states seem to be headed down the same anti-entrepreneurial path:

Citing laws that govern vocational schools, like those for hairdressers and truck drivers, regulators have begun to require licenses for yoga schools that train instructors, with all the fees, inspections and paperwork that entails. While confrontations have played out differently in different states, threats of shutdowns and fines have, in some cases, been met with accusations of power grabs and religious infringement — disputes that seem far removed from the meditative world yoga calls to mind.

In April, New York State sent letters to about 80 schools warning them to suspend teacher training programs immediately or risk fines of up to $50,000. But yogis around the state joined in opposition, and the state has, for now, backed down.

Is it any wonder that no one is hiring?

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