Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Voter Fraud

Michelle Malkin Chronicles ACORN's continuing troubles with voter fraud: Yesterday, it was Las Vegas. Today, it’s Dauphin County, Pa.

Yes, it seems that Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is back at it.

Imagine the mainstream media outcry if Republican campaigns were being systematically assisted in rather dubious ways by a politically motiviated, non-profit organization previously fined for voter fraud. Next, imagine also that this same organization received significant contributions from a partisan billionaire previously convicted of insider trading. Now imagine that the same billionaire made his fortune as an evil currency speculator. And finally, imagine if McCain had personally associated with that Billionaire.

Well, that's basically what we have here. ACORN has a long history of voter fraud, as any Google search will reveal. George Soros, the famous speculator convicted of insider trading in France, has given ACORN sizable contributions. And Obama has been quite friendly with Soros.

It's good to be a Dem.

UPDATE: More of ACORN's troubles are chronicled over at Instapundit.

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